Our School Board
We as individual School Board Members are honored to serve our community. We base our decisions on what is best for our students balanced against the fiscal concerns of our District. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to contact any one of us with your ideas or concerns. Our contact numbers are listed on the next link.
We also receive input during the Open Forum portion of each regular board meeting. This is a time for the Board to listen to ideas/concerns. No action will be taken that evening in response to the presentation in order to allow the Board to gather information. Please contact the Superintendent's Office or the Board Chair prior to commencement of the meeting to be placed on the Open Forum
Meeting Information
The School Board of International Falls Public Schools, ISD #361, will conduct their regularly scheduled meeting the third Monday of each month, except when that Monday falls on a Holiday the meeting will be then be held the following day on Tuesday. All regularly scheduled meetings are open to the public. Meeting time is 5:15 p.m on the following days in the FHS Library:
If a regular monthly board meeting is cancelled due to inclement weather the meeting will be conducted the next day on Tuesday at same time and location.
To view board meeting agendas and minutes click "School Board Meetings" button below.
School Board Members
JoAnn Smith
Jessica Crosby
Vice Chair
Tina Sather
Toni Korpi
Bruce Raboin
Roxanne Skogstad-Ditsch
Dale F. Johnson