Please visit the link below to kick off your holidays with a heartfelt message from our public speaking students:
Falls Elementary has a job opening for a Paraprofessional!
Snowmobile Safety Class starting Jan 3, 2023 at FHS. Please see attached flyer for more details. You can also view the event at:
Attendance Matters Bronco Families!
Falls High School is hiring a Cafe helper, 6 hours per day, $14.72 an hour!
ISD 361 has up for sale 9 folding cafeteria tables. Tables when unfolded are 12.5' long x 2.5' wide (table top). Sales start 9am Wednesday December 14th 2022 and will run until all tables are gone or no later than noon on Tuesday December 20th 2022. $20 a table this is on a first come first served basis. Checks only, they are to be made out to ISD 361. Tables may be viewed and purchased at the ISD 361 bus garage, 2001 1st ave w. between the hours of 9am and 2pm. If you have any questions please contact Tom Holt at 218-283-2571 ext 1185.
Attendance Matters Bronco Families!
Falls Elementary is hiring a Long Term Substitute Teacher!
Falls Elementary is hiring 2 Long Term Substitute Paraprofessionals!
Falls Elementary is hiring a Paraprofessional. Minimum 30 hours per week, $15.72/hr. Visit our website for an application.
Attendance Matters!
The FHS Journalism and Broadcasting Class has a new format for our weekly newsletter in order to bring you timely news and updates.
Bronco Families. Below is the link to the December Home/School Attendance Newsletter. Please take a moment to read the important school attendance news as we continue to make school attendance and family education one of our goals for the 22/23 school year. The newsletter highlights surround our School Attendance Matters…Are You In The Game theme. Our December goal will be increasing daily attendance each week, including decreasing tardiness. Check out the school start times embedded in the newsletter school specific links at the bottom. This “attendance play goal” involves some home/school teamwork and positive school attendance conversations. Let’s continue to work together on the importance of school attendance! #schoolattendancematters
December Home/School Attendance Newsletter -
ISD 361 School Board Meeting on Monday, December 19th will start at 5:00 instead of 5:15 to accommodate the presentation from our auditor.
ISD 361 is accepting applications for our Payroll and Benefits Coordinator position!
Falls Elementary School is hiring a Dishwasher. 3.5 hours a day @ $14.72 an hour!
ISD 361 is hiring a Full Time Payroll/Benefits Coordinator
Weekly Attendance Highlight. Please work to support your child in building good attendance and work habits.
Thank you to ISD 361 Family and Consumer Science classes under the guidance of Mrs. Line for making the pies for the community Thanksgiving dinner.
Weekly Attendance Highlight. Please work to support your child in building good attendance and work habits.